Ahoy! Only 150 days left! Tempus Fugit! (And yes, it really is pronounced "FUGG it.")
A bunch of random (and important) details in this one:
1) Final payment will be due AUGUST 5, 2023. I will email each and every one of you a few days before with the last 4 digits of the card I have on file with Royal, and you can either OK it or give me a new one. I'll run them on Aug 5.
2) Southwest Airlines is now open for booking for this trip. Book air ASAP, if you haven't already - remember this cruise ends on Thanksgiving week. (Thanks Reed!)
3) We have space for a content creator to join us FOR FREE. Due to a number of factors, I can pay for one person's cruise. They'll be sharing a cabin with a nice guy from the UK, so it's only open to men over 21. For more information, visit this link.
4) Excursions are filling up. Take a look and if you see anything you like, book it. You can always change it later. Happy to answer questions!
5) We're doing a special OPTIONAL group lunch in Cozumel. $30 covers everything, including alcohol, food, and tips. It's at Pancho's Backyard, a very well-regarded local restaurant. This is for folks who've already done Cozumel. To see the menu and sign up, click on this link: https://forms.gle/5okpmz8MRendkRLX7
6) Meet other adventurers! Discord has been very active, but we also have our Facebook group where anyone can ask anything they'd like about the cruise. There is no one place that everyone hangs out, but those are the two most popular.
And that's probably enough for one email. :)
The official motto of the Panama Canal is: The Land Divided, The World United
You know where to find me!